Bollywood Saree Looks Recreated For #mainheroinehunwithbb , Mamta Sharma Das
There is this girl, her name is Mamta and most of us know her as @thebohobaalika - she is honest, strong, confident, warm, opinionated and oh so gorgeous. I have never met her, never even spoken to her over the phone but we have messaged each other often on Instagram, and sometimes just that seems enough na? Have you ever felt that way?
With Mamta there is an ease, she is the kind of person who will be exactly who she is and expects nothing different from you, she accepts you for who you are, no strings attached. Also, I don't see that passive aggressive competitive streak in her - the 'me vs you' game that I see the rest of the Instagram world playing and I guess that is the secret of her success, the reason why she is loved by us all.
Mamta has selflessly supported Ek Dori and everything we do from the day we started Ek Dori and our love and appreciation for her has just grown over the years. Also, her creative genius inspires me everyday. While the lockdown has made me super lethargic and lazy, Mamta seems to be on a creative rocket in a stratosphere of her own. Her hashtags and her effort to help weavers !!!! Oh my God - sheer genius. #mainheroinehunwithbb has been such a pleasure to follow, its brought hope, happiness and bright smiles on my face and I am sure yours too.
So to say thank you to my dear Mamta, here is Ek Dori's take on #mainheroinehunwithbb. I hope you guys enjoy the Ek Dori sarees and the heroine moments.
Thank you Mamta for giving us the gift of 'you' and your warm genuine support.
Do let us know which look is your favourite :)
Ek Dori
0TF51VCKA www.google.com